I’m Dana, the artist behind Strong Current Studio!

Like a rushing river, or an ocean tide, creativity is a strong force. The pull to jump in and create has always been a strong current running throughout my life. As a kid, I immersed myself in every craft kit I could get my hands on. From friendship bracelets to beeswax candles, my curiosity for new mediums was insatiable. As I got older, I was drawn to photography. In college, I loved sketching and making models as part of my architecture education.

I started making beaded earrings after a sudden flash of inspiration one day at a lake in Yosemite’s high country. I felt the same pull to learn weaving, and then knitting. Without much of an envisioned endpoint, I follow my excitement to curiously create. Like a strong current, my creativity takes twists and turns. This creative force is always changing, but always present.

Outside of my creative work, I am a passionate rock climber, climbing coach, and architect. I also enjoy skiing, walks with my cute dog, and making homemade kombucha.

All goods featured on this site are handmade by me. I absolutely love connecting with people through sharing what I create. If you’re looking for something that’s not currently available in my shop, you can always reach out to inquire about a made-to-order piece!